Motivation, Self and Resilience

Understanding our motives, and finding sustained motivation

by: Peter Torr Smith

27th September, 2018


Enspiral Dev Academy - Blog Questions

The 'pleasure, passion and purpose' lens?

Tony Hsieh, of the Zappos shoe and clothing company, describes Three types of happiness:

  1. Pleasure - chasing the next high or instant gratification or approval
  2. Passion, or flow - where the work we are doing matches our skill but is still challenging and engaging
  3. Purpose - being a part of something larger than ourselves

He observes that many people spend a lot of time seeking pleasure, occasionally experiencing flow, and once in a while think about higher purpose. He suggests the opposite is more satisfying, where we focus on higher purpose, sometimes enjoying flow, and every now and again enjoy some shorter-term reward or pleasure.

This way of looking at where our focus and energy is being placed is useful to self-check ourselves on how well-founded our sense and sources of happiness are.

I certainly do find myself focusing a bit too much on 1 and 2, though getting into flow is particularly satisfying and productive. I see 3, purpose, is more about being selfless, on the needs of others, which when I do free myself up to do, does give a deeper level of satisfaction.

Discovering values and higher purpose

A journaling exercise was recommended for us to capture some of our values and thoughts on purpose.

My core values

  • Being true to myself
  • Being honest with people
  • Being gentle on myself
  • Being gentle with others
  • Integrity and honesty
  • Listening more than talking
  • Being nice to each other
  • Being responsible for my actions and results

Some of the Things I stand for

  • Those that are not present to defend themselves
  • Picking up rubbish
  • Doing the right thing
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