C8 Blog - Connecting and Empathy
Developing Empathy through understanding and connecting with others
C7 Blog - Motivation, Self and Resilience
Understanding our motives, and finding sustained motivation

C6 Blog - Self Regulation: Triggers, Choices and Responses
Beyond self-control... and goodbye to reactions

T5 Project - Pete's Javasript Minesweeper Challenge
my first real Javascript interactive game!
Play Minesweeper
T4 Project - Pete's first Javascript event Dots Challenge
and my first Javascript interactive game!
Play Dot CounterRecent Stuff

T4 Blog - Learning JavaScript Basics
Basic language elements, arrays, objects, looping and ternary operators

C3 Blog - Musings on Process and Meditation
Just do it and trust the process... and the breath of life

T3 Blog - Design to web process
Learning Skeleton and rebuilding the blog structure.
Getting the semantic structure right and leveraging a basic CSS framework
Come have a look at my wireframes..